Books With Activities

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snowman Activities

When I first started surfing blogs, I found this amazing blog, Confessions Of A Homeschooler! Then, I started blogging and completely forgot about this blog...I have no idea how that happened. Well, I was surfing around over the weekend and rediscovered it and fell in love all over again!

I printed off these Snowman Number Cards and had Izzie practice putting numbers 1-10 in correct number sequence.

She used the same cards to practice 1:1 correspondence with foam snowflake stickers.

And the same cards to color match with clothespins. Izzie still has a difficult time manipulating the clothespins. Since she knows her colors, this activity was more for practicing fine motor skills.

I love being able to use one printable for numerous activities. It saves paper and most importantly, time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how CUTE! I've heard so much about Confessions of a Homeschooler but have yet to check it out. On my way right now.

    Love all the activities!


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