Books With Activities

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tot School: Colors

This week's Tot School was all about colors! Each week, I place 4 activities on the "school" shelf for Mac. To see a detailed description of this week's activities, click here. Here are a couple of examples...

Placing different color Popsicle sticks into an old Gerber snack container.

Placing different color chenille sticks into an old Parmesan cheese container.

One of her favorite activities this week was playing with the magnetic pompoms.

Dumping the magnetic pompoms and then placing them back into the bowl....repeat, repeat, and repeat!

She noticed Izzie lining-up the magnetic pompoms during her math activity and was amazed that she could do something else with, she began lining-up the pompoms too! As she did this, I would say the color of the pompom.

She has mastered clinking together the snap beads. Izzie loved telling Mac the color of each.

The choo-choo train is always a favorite when she's in the playroom!

Mac has begun to really enjoy coloring and using the easel.

She really concentrates!

She is very interested in books and loves to "read" to herself.

Quiet time reading.

Reading in the tent with Izzie.

New life skills this week...

She learned how to turn on and off the ceiling fan with the remote!

She can now fasten her puppy-leash.

My favorite photo of the week...

Mac is 19 months old.

To see more Tot School activities, visit 1+1+1=1.

Tot School

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that Mac noticed Izzies pompom play and suddenly realized she could do it too.


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