Books With Activities

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What's On The Shelf? Colors

This week's shelf theme has been colors.

Pocket Chart Colors

Izzie did this activity each morning. She really liked matching the objects to the correct color.
I found the printables here.

Izzie's Shelf Work

Matching color clothespins to the color wheel.

I'm so proud of her; she's finally able to manipulate the clothespins! Earlier this summer, she was still struggling with this fine motor skill.

Paint chip color shade chart.

This was her least favorite activity on the shelf. She only completed it once and it was a challenge for her. She was able to get the different shades in the correct color row, but she wasn't interested in trying to put them from dark to light.

Scooping pom-poms into the correct color bowl.

Bowls from Dollar Tree (3 pack for $1).

Infantino Color Puzzle, which I found at Target on clearance for only $2.48! I removed the textured pieces, so she would just focused on colors.

Mac was really interested in the puzzle. So, I would give her three at a time and she would try to match the colors too.

Mac's Shelf Work

This was Mac's first week of shelf work. She loves putting objects inside containers, so I tried to focus on that skill, while using colors.

Placing color Popsicle sticks inside an old Gerber snack container.

This was her favorite activity on the shelf! I love the concentrated look on her face.

Once all the Popsicle sticks were inside....let the music begin!!

Placing chenille craft sticks inside old Parmesan cheese container.

Multitasker...brushing teeth and completing shelf work!

Izzie also enjoyed this activity.

Placing spiky balls into paint plate, using tongs. I bought the spiky balls at Target in the birthday aisle for $1.99, paint plate at Michael's for 99 cents, and a four pack of tongs at the Dollar Tree.

Mac enjoyed tossing the balls, while Izzie enjoyed making patterns with the balls.

Homemade Montessori inspired color tablets.

I only put three out for Mac to match-up. However, she had no interest in this activity. So, I'll save it for later.

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