Books With Activities

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Journal Writing

I really like the idea of using Draw Write Now, but I'm not sure if Izzie is ready for it. She loves to draw, at least 10 pictures a day, but she's a perfectionist! She gets very upset when she makes a mistake while she's drawing (her own picture). I'm concern that the Draw Write Now books would put too much pressure on her. If she couldn't draw something just like the book, she would be very disappointed with herself and I don't want that to discourage her from drawing. So, for now, she'll get the same concept, just with a twist!

I stumbled upon this fantastic notepad at the Homeschooling Conference that I attended. It's the same concept as the Read Write Now workbook, but with a more colorful approach.

I also like that each page is separate. When I looked at the Read Write Now workbook, I did not like how the drawing of one story was on the back of the copywork of another drawing....does that make sense? Izzie loves to tear out her completed pages and display them on the refrigerator. She would have been very disappointed with the Read Write Now workbook.

This notepad uses a blue line to indicate the sky, a red dash line for the fence, and a green line to represent the ground. Too cute!

Here's Izzie first journal entry. Since, her unit was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, she drew a coconut tree and wrote her alphabet! She prefers to write in capital letters, which may be a hard habit to break.

I have purchased the Draw Write Now Book 1, which Izzie will start using, when she's ready.
I also found this Crayola Draw and Write book at Target on the dollar aisle!

This one is front to back, too! But, for only $1, it's perfectly okay!

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