Books With Activities

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Alphabet Sound Drawers

This amazing idea has floating around "blog world" for quite some time...and every time I saw a post about one, I would remind myself that I needed to create one for Izzie and Mac! Finally, it's done!

Izzie and Mac's Alphabet Sound Drawers.

I found this fabulous little tool organizer at Lowe's and it was even marked down on clearance! At first, I didn't like the bigger bottom containers, but once I decided what to put inside of them, I really like having everything together! The first 26 little boxes contain little objects for each sound of the alphabet. The other little containers have paper clips, dice, etc. The larger containers include: color clothespins, letter and number clothespins, tiny clothespins, magnetic puff balls, color counters, alphabet letter tiles, bottle top shapes, dominoes, and letter and number stamps.

Here are a few of my favorite Alphabet Sound boxes...

Counting Coconuts

The Activity Mom

The Shafer Family

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