Books With Activities

Thursday, November 10, 2011

3-part Planet Cards

Izzie is very fascinated with the moon, starts, and the planets!

We've been reading this book, which is very simple, colorful, and full of facts about each planet.

She has been learning to distinguish the planets by using these 3-part cards. In addition, she's been learning several simple facts about each planet.

3-Part Cards PLANETS

She's been learning a lot of new vocabulary with these Space Cards (found this summer at Target in the dollar aisle).

To keep the 3-part cards and Target flashcards organized, I whipped up these little organizers from felt. I found the adorable "space" related buttons at Michael's. I really love the way they turned out!

Here's the "inside" of the 3-part organizer...first opening for picture cards with vocabulary word attached, second opening is for just the picture cards, and the small third opening is for the vocabulary words.

I'm linking up to the following, please be sure to check out these amazing blogs for inspiration!

Classified: Mom


  1. Hi! These are great. I'm pinning them for our future space unit.

    I also wanted to let you know that I'm hosting a new linky at my blog each week on Mondays. It's for those sharing PRINTABLES! :) This would qualify if you want to link-up next Monday! :) Ami

  2. We have those same flashcards =-) I love your holder you came up with. Thanks for linking up to TGIF. See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  3. What a great post! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on The Sunday Showcase


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