Books With Activities

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

American Heritage Girls

Izzie has had so much fun this year participating in American Heritage Girls.  During the last semester, they focused on honoring our county and community.  

 I adore the fingerprint star flag and hand-print eagle!  

 During this particular meeting, they had a very special guest...

A local fireman, who taught them some very valuable fire safety rules! 

 Planning an escape route and outside meeting location.  Have you done this with your family?  
Brilliant idea!  The next day at home, we talked about the different ways out of our house and decided on a safe outside meeting location.  
 Practicing the correct way to leave...crawling and staying close to the ground. 

 Izzie learned a lot of valuable information!  And, loved the goodies too! 

 Thanks, Mr. Fireman! 

During her next AHG meeting, another special guest came...

A local police detective, who also shared many valuable safety tips with the girls! 

 They loved investigating her police cruiser!

 Checking out the fingerprinting gadget...

 And the backseat where the "bad" people sit.  No volunteers to go inside!

Again, the girls learned a lot of safety precautions to help keep them safe! 

Thanks to all our local heroes for keeping us safe!

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