Books With Activities

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Reading Challenge

Izzie and Mac have been participating in two summer reading challenges at our local libraries.  They are alternating weeks for each library.   
 Week 1: County Library--each day, the girls were thrilled to color in their tokens for reading!  After each hour of reading, one token can be placed in a "prize drawing" container.

  Mac standing in front of the different prizes.  Both girls put all 12 of their tokens in the Water Park prize container!

After 12 hours of reading, they are allowed to pick a free book off the prize shelf.     
Izzie is all about Magic Treehouse books, so she was super excited to find one on the free shelf!

Week 2: City Library--each week, the girls are allowed to choose one prize from the cart. 

This was a loooong and tough decision!  Finally, Izzie picked out a huge green ring and Mac went for a dinosaur.

 At the city library, for every picture book Mac reads, she earns "1 Library Buck" and for every 10 pages of a chapter book, Izzie receives "1 Library Buck". Unfortunately, you have to bring your books that you've read there and the librarian counts the books/pages and gives you paper money to "buy books" off the cart.  We were returning several Magic Treehouse books, so Izzie racked up on some money.  However, we had just been reading pictures books at home with Mac, so she didn't earn any library bucks (Mama did not read the rules).  Thankfully, she has a super big sister, who shared her library bucks and they each "bought" two books from the cart! 

Week 3: County Library--Mac stuffing all 12 of her tokens in the "Pillow Pet" prize container!  

 Week  4: City Library--The girls earned enough library bucks to purchase 3 books off the cart, with a little money left over for next week! 

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