Books With Activities

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fruit Of The Spirit

For the first 3 weeks of school, the girls have been learning about the Fruit of the Spirit. 

 I found this wonderful Fruit of the Spirit Devotional. 

Front cover

"The format of this devotional is simple and practical. Every day touches on one of the Fruit while reinforcing previous lessons. Everything is written out for you, the teacher, in bold lettering. Possible answers are in plain text, and any extras you need are in red. Each devotional is short and easy for young children to understand. This is not meant to be an in-depth Bible study, but rather an introduction to the Fruit of the Spirit."

  I created a PowerPoint to use as a visual aid with the above Devotional. 

Fruit of the Spirit PowerPoint                                                           

**Unfortunately, Scribd only allows the PowerPoint to be "free" for a certain amount of time.  If it is encouraging you to "pay" for the Powerpoint download, please DO NOT!  I will be more than happy to e-mail you a copy of the PowerPoint.**

Each day, a new "fruit" was introduced.  While I read over the devotional for the day, the girls colored the fruit of the day and added it to their basket.  Printables can be found here.   

Mac's completed Fruit Of The Spirit basket

Izzie's completed Fruit Of The Spirit basket

They were super excited to focus on the particular Fruit of the Spirit throughout the day.  If I "caught" them incorporating the fruit of the day, they received a star for their Fruit of the Spirit chart.  

Izzie's completed Fruit of the Spirit chart


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