Books With Activities

Monday, September 17, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

We have a family tradition of going to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate the girls' birthdays!  Thankfully, Great Wolf Lodge has homeschooling specials in September and February, which happens to be perfect timing for our girls' birthdays! 

Celebrating Izzie's 6th birthday...

They were so excited and couldn't wait to start swimming! 

It didn't take them long to get on the slides!  

Izzie going down a BIG slide!

This was our first time exploring outside!  Normally, the outside section is closed when we're visiting. 

 Fun around the lodge...

Our Room...The Grizzly Bear Suite.

Always a favorite...coloring!

Face painting!

The Wolf Walk!

Happy 6th Birthday, Izzie!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a blast! My family and I went to a few Texas water parks this year and had a great time! I hope your girls had great birthdays! From the pictures I am sure they did! Thanks for sharing!


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