Books With Activities

Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: Thanksgiving

Update: I'm back up and blogging!  Jackie from It's Elementary informed me about resizing my pictures before uploading.  After resizing, I was able to upload pictures without paying the monthly fee!!  Thanks, Jackie!

We had a super short school week, but was able to squeeze in a few crafts and a lot of traveling! 

At our weekly Coop, Izzie made this very creative candle holder!  They placed Elmer's glue in the bottom and on the sides of the plastic cup, then added dry beans and a candle.  After several days, we removed the cup and discovered this beautiful candle holder!  


The girls received some special Thanksgiving goodies from their Great Aunt.  They are always so excited to receive mail! 

 The girls made several simple Thanksgiving crafts.

Finally, we traveled 4 hours to spend Thanksgiving with the in-laws!   The girls always have a great time visiting with Nana and Popi. 

Helping Popi with the fire and Nana with Thanksgiving dinner. 

We have so much to be thankful for! 

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