Books With Activities

Monday, January 21, 2013

Messy Class: Snow!

Let it snow, snow, snow!  We were expecting 10 inches of snow, but fell 7 inches short!  The girls were super excited to get outside to play, but we had coop for the day.  I promised they could play and play after coop (3:30pm)....however, I didn't expect for it to be in the low 50s for the day and all the snow gone before the end of coop!  Very. Disappointed. Girls.

 To celebrate SNOW, my Preschool Messy Class created these adorable snowmen! 

I had everything cut and ready to go for them.  I even drew the outline of the snowman.  With twelve preschoolers painting with shaving cream and Elmer's glue (equal parts mixed together)...I knew I needed it to be organized!  

They had snow much fun "painting" the snowmen with spoons!


 After dressing the snowmen, each was unique and so ADORABLE!!



SNOW much fun! 

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