Books With Activities

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

F is for FUN at the dentist!

Yes!  Fun at the dentist!  My girls had a blast at their new pediatric dentist.  

First, in the lobby, there was a gigantic train set! 



The dental hygienist was amazing!  She spoke to the girls and explained everything that was going to happen.  It helped that they got to wear cool sunglasses, pick out an animal topper for the mouth-cleaning-thing..Izzie went for the penguin and Mac wanted the bear...and they were able to pick out an awesome toothpaste flavor...choices included watermelon and chocolate.  Yes, the chocolate toothpaste was brown!  They even got to pick out their floss!  Did I mention, they received a fancy new toothbrush, cool flavored toothpaste, floss, mints, and a handy-dandy bag to keep everything organized?  Ah, and stickers too!  Who doesn't love a handful of stickers!   

Afterward, they even had a good time taking their X-rays!  


The best part of the visit was joining the "No Cavity Kids' Club"!  

Each visit with no cavities, you are rewarded with a trip to the Prize Room!  Each time, the prize gets bigger!  And, after the 5th visit without a cavity, the prize is HUGE!

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

Since their visit, I don't have to "remind" them about brushing their teeth because they already have their second prize picked out!
Be sure to check out  Ben and Me to see other Letter F activities, crafts, fieldtrips, etc!

Blogging Through the Alphabet

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