Books With Activities

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Passport to Imagination!

This summer, Michaels Arts and Crafts is hosting a journey around the globe through crafts.

This week, the girls explored North America.  

We're coming straight from swimming, so please excuse the wet hair!  

On Monday, they created the Grand Canyon as their In-Class Project.  

 In addition to the In-Class Project, they created a Swap Project to attach to their free Explorer's Bag.

Their Swap Project was a Hockey Stick to represent Canada.  

I was a little disappointed with the lack of organization of this event.  The employee arrived at 10am, exactly at the time of the start of the class, with no idea that she was in charge of the class.  Supplies were not ready and it was very noticeable that the store had not planned on children attending. 

We decided to head back over on Wednesday, hoping that it was just first day jitters! 

The girls created a God's Eye from Mexico as their In-Class Project and a Liberty Bell for the Swap Project.

Unfortunately, it was still extremely unorganized.  I was hoping that there would be some sort of introduction to the class, possibly a quick introduction to the country or a reason the specific craft was chosen.  Nothing.  It was simply, here's what we're making, now let's figure it out together how it's done.  

We will not be attending anymore classes.  I just can't justify paying $2 per child for this experience.  However, I love the concept and would be willing to pay, if it was organized and planned.  I would encourage you to check out your local Michael's store to see if you have a better experience than we did this week.  If not, grab a brochure and plan on making the crafts at home!  That's what we'll be doing this summer! 

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