Books With Activities

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

TOS Review: Math Mammoth

 The school year is quickly winding down for us!  Izzie, 6 years old, just completed her second grade math curriculum.  I decided that I wanted her to continue to work on her math skills throughout the summer, just to fill in gaps and to have more practice on a few concepts.  However, I didn't want to purchase an entire curriculum.  Thankfully, I was introduced to Math Mammoth!  

Math Mammoth offers an affordable, quality math curriculum for grades 1-6 in their Blue Series.

 Math Mammoth Blue Series books are worktexts (textbook and workbook combined) on specific topics. Each worktext in the Blue Series covers all necessary topics for the specified grade range and many are aligned with the Common Core Standards.

The Blue Series worktexts can be used:
  • To supplement any other math curriculum;
  • As a remedial material for students who are behind;
  • As a review material on specific topics.

There are a total of 39 Blue Series worktexts, each concentrating only on a few topics, such as: 

                            Addition              Subtraction              Place Value
                             Clock                   Money                 Measurement

                        Multiplication             Division                  Geometry

                           Statistics              Fractions                 Decimals          


We received the following downloadable PDF worktexts from Math Mammoth
Blue Series:

Math Mammoth Money workbook cover       Math Mammoth Measuring workbook cover
                           U.S. Money                              Measuring 1
                           Grades 1-3                                Grades 1-3
                               $3.25                                        $4.50
Math Mammoth Early Geometry book cover      Math Mammoth Introduction to Fractions book cover
                         Early Geometry                  Introduction to Fractions
                            Grades 1-3                              Grades 1-4
                                $2.75                                       $4.00                 

Each downloadable PDF version of the worktexts is enabled for annotation; therefore, your student can complete the worksheets on the computer by using the typewriter and drawing tools in Adobe Reader 9 or greater.               

However, I decided to print out each worktext and placed in individual folders.  

Math Mammoth Blue Series downloadable worktexts
The Math Mammoth U.S. Money worktext covers U.S. money-related topics, such as counting coins, making change, and solving various money problems in a total of 51 pages.

The worktext begins with first-grade topics such as counting pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.  It continues to more advanced lessons for second grade, and finally finishes with third grade topics.  

Izzie really enjoyed using her pretend money, while completing the lessons.  She counted various amounts of coins and learned to make change.  Other topics included adding money amounts and solving problems.

We played store and I bought the specific items in the lessons.  I gave her the designated amount and she had to make change.  She absolutely loved doing this!  She loved that we were "playing" store and I loved that she was "learning" how to count coins and make change!

Be sure to check out more sample pages from the U.S. Money worktext.     


The Math Mammoth Measuring 1 worktext contains 74 pages that cover measuring length, weight, and volume with a variety of hands-on activities aligned to the Common Core Standards for grades first through third.

 There is a list of manipulatives needed to complete the various hands-on activities. 

Izzie had a blast with the Measuring 1 worktext.  Again, she was a huge fan of the various hands-on activities! 

Here, she is measuring several objects around the house with baby shoes, then she repeated, using her shoes in order to compare the length. 

In addition, she explored different ways of measuring, such as weight and volume. 

There is a complete list of all concepts covered and a few sample pages for the Measuring 1 worktext.


Math Mammoth Early Geometry covers geometry topics, according to the Common Core Standards, for grades first through third.

There are a total of 82 pages full of hands-on activities covering basic shapes, geometric patterns, solving for area and perimeter, and three-dimensional shapes. 

Again, there are plenty of sample pages for the Early Geometry worktext.


Math Mammoth Introduction to Fractions contains 100 pages of lessons for grades 1-4, following the Common Core Standards.  Most of the lessons are intended for 3rd and 4th grades, there are only a few lessons for 1st and 2nd grades.

Math Mammoth Introduction to Fractions book cover

The lessons are organized by topic, not by increasing difficulty.

Be sure to check out the list of topics covered in the Introduction to Fractions worktext, as well as sample pages


What I liked:
  •  Izzie referred to Math Mammoth as her "Fun Math".  Do I really need anymore proof that this hands-on math curriculum is awesome?! 
  • The numerous amount of hands-on activities throughout each worktext.  Izzie really enjoyed participating in math, not just simply completing a worksheet.
  •  There's a large skills spectrum within each worktext, so your student can move on to the more advanced levels, when he or she is ready.  There's no need to wait until the following school grade level. 
  • The variety of worktexts available.  If your child is struggling or needing more advanced problems in a particular area, the worktexts are a great way to supplement.
  •  Very affordable. The downloadable PDF worktexts are priced from $2.00 to $7.00.
  •  The worktexts were very easy to teach from; therefore, there is very little teacher preparation. In addition, there are answer keys included for each worktext. 

In conclusion, I would HIGHLY recommend the Blue Series from Math Mammoth!

You can get ALL 39 Blue Series worktexts for a package price of $95 (download) or $100 (CD).

Other package prices:

Grades 1-3

Receive 15 books, plus five variants of the Money book and a Metric Measuring book, or a total of 20 books from the Math Mammoth Blue Series, for $38 (download). 

 Grades 4-6

Receive 19 books, plus a variant of the Measuring book, or a total of 20 books from Math Mammoth Blue Series, for $57 (download).

Sail over to read what other Crew Mates had to say about their hands-on experience with Math Mammoth.


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