Books With Activities

Monday, July 15, 2013

Safari Park Adventure!

The girls and I had an adventurous time at the Safari Park with friends! 

We began our adventure with a wagon-ride around the safari park!  

There were so many animals to feed.  They were very well trained to rush the wagon at the first sound of it.  And, they were not scared of us!  They stuck their heads right in the wagon and demanded food.  


The girls had a blast with all the animals even though, we did get snorted on by a llama!  

Afterward, we headed toward the camels, which were the most aggressive.  

We were warned not to get too close with our buckets of food, as the camels are notorious for snatching the bucket right out of your hands!  

Yep, the camel got Mac's bucket of food.  

We were eventually pushed off the bench by the camels...they were hungry!  

The bison were my girls' favorite animal to feed.  They were so gentle.  They would simply stick out their tongue for you to sprinkle the food on it.  

After the one-hour wagon adventure, we were able to walk about.  The girls really enjoyed feeding the giraffe. 

My favorite animal was this cute little black mountain goat!  He kept running and climbing up on the baby llama, who didn't mind being a mountain for this little guy! 


 We had such a great time exploring the Safari Park and seeing and feeding the animals up close!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are brave. Not sure my girls would get so close. Looks like a really fun day.


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