Books With Activities

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Miss Rumphius Paintings

My girls love to do any type of art!  So, this year, I'm trying to incorporate more meaningful art. 

We've been traveling around the world, learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. 

We read Miss Rumphius and decided to make the world more beautiful by painting our own lupines!

I found our inspiration from Fine Lines

First, we primed our surface with white chalk. 

Then, we covered the surface with warm oil pastels. 

Next, we painted on the stems and leaves.  

Once they were dried, the girls had a blast creating flowers with their fingertips.  They decided on pink and lavender lupines. 

With the pink and lavender lupines still wet, they quickly dipped their thumbs into white paint and dotted it on top of each lupine flower.    We opted not to draw the black circles around each flower.

I adore the way their masterpieces turned out!

Izzie, 7 years old                             Mac, 4 years old

Of course, I had to make one too! 

  I'm in the process of looking for a frame that will fit all three paintings, together!  I love decorating our house with homemade masterpieces and can't wait to hang this one in our dining room.


  1. I used this same book a couple of week ago with my Fun with Literature class for elementary students at our co-op.

  2. This came out beautiful! We read that book and were going to do a similar project, but I admit we never got to it. Go Mom!

  3. I LOVE this! I am teaching Mapping the World with Art at coop and trying to do a craft each week too. The kids love the crafts, even when they don't turn out- which yours did ; )!!

  4. I love this book! I used to read it aloud when I taught in the public school. I haven't read this one to my daughter yet and this art activity looks GREAT! I have to do it this year! Thank you for sharing. Their masterpieces are beautiful!

  5. great job, girls! they are beautiful. Miss Rumphius was one of my personal faves when we used FIAR :)


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