Books With Activities

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Family Date Night!

This past weekend, Natural Bridge was taking up food donations for our local food bank in exchange for a discounted admission rate.  We decided to have a family date night at the Natural Bridge!  Yes, even Lincoln got to join in on the fun!

It is truly a natural beauty!


The girls have been to the bridge several times, but never at night. So, this was their first time seeing the Light Show!  

Our Friday night family date night was the perfect way to end our week! 


Unlike other historic places and landmarks, the Natural Bridge has been in private hands ever since Jefferson became its first owner in 1774, when he bought the property from King George III for 20 shillings - or the equivalent of less than $3.  It's currently up for sale by it's most recent owner for $32 million! 


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