Books With Activities

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our first official "SNOW DAY"!

We woke this morning, anticipating a lot of snow.  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing was outside.  The girls were very disappointed.  I was very disappointed.  Apparently, the "storm" was late.  However, all area schools were out, which meant a snow day with Daddy at home!  By mid-morning, the snow had arrived!  

The girls spent the morning playing and the afternoon watching Mary Poppins. 

Afterward, the girls were bursting to get outside!

 After dinner, we even squeezed in some sewing!  The girls have completed the big stuffed animal and are getting very close to finishing the smaller one. 

It was a fabulous lazy day at home.  Tomorrow, I'll probably regret that I didn't use my timely wisely as a "teacher" workday! 

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