Books With Activities

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

TOS Review: Golden Prairie Press

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum by Golden Prairie Press is a 30-week history curriculum that covers American History from the time period of 1000 to the present.

Recommended Grade Level: 1st through 6th grades

Price: $98.99


What's included in Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum?

The curriculum includes three e-books and three downloads.

The first two e-books contain the bulk of the curriculum with a total of 30 sections.  Each section consists of 5 lessons.  The Scope and Sequence suggests completing one section each week, one lesson per day, over a 30 week period.

The first e-book, Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History, Part 1, covers the time period 1000-1837 and consists of 15 sections, totaling 388 pages.  

The second e-book, Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History, Part 2, covers the time period 1837 to the present and consists of 15 sections, totaling 408 pages.

The third e-book, Historical Skits, consists of 19 historical skits to bring history alive.

There are Additional Materials that can be downloaded to supplement the curriculum.  The supplemental materials include instructions, videos, colorful historical artwork, and printable timelines, maps, games, and coloring sheets.

In addition, the Sing Some History CD can be downloaded.  There are a total of 20 songs that compliment the curriculum.

Lastly, the Listen to Some U.S. History MP3 CD contains an audio collection of 20 original speeches, poems, sermons, and documents that are mentioned in the curriculum.


How did we incorporate Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum into our daily schedule?

We followed the suggested schedule of completing one lesson per day, which resulted in completing one section each week.  Each lesson took approximately 30-60 minutes to complete.

The lessons in the Part 1 and Part 2 e-books are divided into two sections.  The first section is geared toward 1st and 2nd grades with the information presented as a basic overview.  The second section contains the same information, but is more advanced for 3rd through 6th grades. You can see the difference by viewing the sample for Section 1, Lessons 1-3.

We used the reading section as a read aloud.  The following is the one-page reading material from Section 1, Lesson 4, for 1st-2nd grade.  You will notice that the font is larger and that there is only one picture.

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4 

Izzie, 7 years old, preferred the 3rd-6th grade reading section over the 1st-2nd grade reading section.  The following is the three-page reading material from Section 1, Lesson 4, for 3rd through 6th grades.  The older reading material included more detailed information, more pictures, and a map.

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4 

After reading the lesson material, I would choose a couple of activities for Izzie to complete.   At the end of each lesson, there are a variety of activities to complete.  The activities include review questions, writing topics, mapping skills, hands-on projects, additional reading assignments, examining historical art, timeline information, historical skits, games, recipes, songs, and a memory verse to recite.  This particular lesson had two pages worth of activities at the end of the lesson.

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4 

Izzie always completed the review questions, orally. Some of the review questions at the end of each lesson seemed to correspond better with the older reading material; however, most questions were open-ended.  She also enjoyed completing the Geography section, which focused mostly on mapping skills.  Most of the maps within the reading section were too small to actually use, but she still enjoyed investigating the maps.  Some of the maps are available in a larger format on the Additional Materials download, but not all of them.     

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4

Izzie loves learning about art; therefore, her favorite activity was examining the historical art and answering questions about the artwork.  All of the historical artwork can be downloaded and printed larger from the Additional Materials.    

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4

At the end of Section 1, Lesson 4, Izzie colored Christopher Columbus' Coat of Arms.  

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4

In addition, she completed the Timeline Information for the year 1492.  The Timeline is found on the Additional Materials download.  There are four different options on how to complete the Timeline.

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4

Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4

Lastly, in Lesson 4 there was an option to act out a skit about Christopher Columbus.  The skits were Izzie's least favorite activities.  However, the skits would be much more fun with siblings or in a coop setting. 

Digital and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, Section 1: Lesson 4


What did I like about Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum?

1. It is very adaptable for different style learners by simply choosing which additional activities to complete.

 2.  It can be used by the whole family, even with different grade levels, by using the differentiated reading material and by choosing specific activities for different students.

3.  The implementation of a variety of cross-curricular activities that included, geography, art, music, drama, writing, and literature, was extremely beneficial.

4.   I have been searching for an American history curriculum with a Charlotte Mason approach for awhile.  After using the Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum, I'm thrilled to announce that it does have a Charlotte Mason approach, which is a great fit for our family!


In conclusion, I would recommend Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum.  However, I would encourage you to purchase the "printed" version.  It's the EXACT same price as the "digital" version.  Save yourself time, ink, paper, and money and go with the printed version!

Be sure to check out what other Crew Mates had to say about their experience with Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum by Golden Prairie Press.

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