Books With Activities

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Advent Days 1-10

This week, we've been getting ready for Christmas! The girls helped decorate our Christmas tree!

And, they have been really enjoying the activities from the Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands!

To go along with the Truth in the Tinsel advent activities, Mama Jenn created these awesome clue cards! I placed ours in a pocket chart, shaped like a Christmas tree (like Mama Jenn suggested) and the girls are loving getting a clue out each day!

Advent Activities Days 1-10...

Day 1: Candle

Day 2: Crown
I LOVE how the girls insisted on wearing their crowns, while painting!

Day 3: Zechariah

DAY 4: Gabriel

Day 5: Mary

Day 6: Mary and Elizabeth

Day 7: Song

Day 8: Sun

Day 9: Joseph

Day 10: Dream

Skip over to 1+1+1=1 to see other Tot School activities!

Tot SchoolLink

Mac is 34 months old.


  1. Your tree is stunning.

    I hope you will link up your advent activities over at the Christmas Fun Linky :-)

  2. Your tree is so pretty!! I love all the ornaments, too!

  3. Looks like your girls had great fun. We have been following Truth in the Tinsel as well but have not completed as many ornaments. Love the crowns! Girls are so fun that way. Mine insisted on wearing a tutu while doing ours the other day :)

  4. I love the way your Truth in the Tinsel ornaments turned out! Lots of lovely things to hang on the tree.

    Stopped by from 1+1+1


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