Books With Activities

Monday, January 23, 2012

Rock Star Party!

Izzie is having so much fun participating in American Heritage Girls! On Friday night, she attended a "Rock Star" party! She was so excited to wear her dress up clothes!

My little Rock Star!

To get inside, she walked down the red carpet! Way too cute!

Then, it was time for a photo shoot! She posed with the pink guitar! They used the photo shoot pictures for a craft later in the evening.

Pizza for dinner!

After pizza, they watched Veggie Tales: Princess and the Pop Star

Review from Amazon: Princess Poppyseed's life on her family s farm is far from the glamorous world of her favorite pop singer Vanna Banana. While Princess milks the cows and dreams of a life on stage, Vanna has her own dreams of a life far from the hectic pace of stardom. On a chance meeting Vanna & Princess cross paths and realize they look almost exactly alike which leads to the crazy notion that maybe they could switch lives! In a flash the girls secret plan is launched but as Princess tries to live up to the demands of being a diva and Vanna learns how to milk the cows each girl realizes that the life they longed for doesn't fulfill all their dreams after all and the life God gave them is the one for which they were uniquely and lovingly designed.

We hadn't seen this particular Veggie Tales movie...the message was excellent for young girls, actually, it was a good message for adults too! I loved how the movie explained that even if you are insecure about some of your characteristics or you wished you had a different life, GOD has a plan for are a unique individual, who is perfectly designed by God for the life he has planned for you!

After the movie, it was time for crafts!

Izzie making a picture frame for her photo shoot picture...

Izzie's fabulous fashionable frame!

The second craft was creating a hair-bow from pipe cleaners...very cool!

The last craft was a fabric can notice it on her right wrist.

She even received some party goodies (sunglasses and microphone) at the end of the evening!

What a fabulous way to spend a Friday evening! We had so much fun!


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