Books With Activities

Monday, April 30, 2012

Yard Sale Finds!

It's that time of year again...yard sale season!  I absolutely love waking up before dawn on Saturdays, grabbing a huge mug of coffee and my perfectly mapped out list of yard sales, and slipping out of the house, while everyone else is peacefully still asleep!  

Here are my finds from this weekend!

 4 Melissa and Doug puzzles for 25 cents each!  Yelp, I paid only $1 for all 4 puzzles! 

 I have never heard of this game before, but it looked really interesting,so I grabbed it up for $1.  I peeped inside the box and there were a lot of pieces, so I took my chance that nothing was missing...

 I was thrilled when I got home and discovered that ALL the pieces where there! 

 Brand new Hieroglphic stamp set for $1. This will be perfect when we study Egypt.

This box immediately caught my eye...we're going to be studying different countries next year, so ideas started to flood my head with all the different ways I could incorporate the box...I was even more tickled, when I opened it up...

A cute little teddy bear with different outfits from a variety of countries!  Perfect for $5. 

FREE puzzle!  Yelp, I arrived when they were packing up, so everything was free! 

The best find of the morning...

  My girls were thrilled with the tool bench set!  They have played with it for hours this weekend! 

  Paid only $5 for it!! 

 A very successful morning out and one (actually two) very happy little girls.

Not too shabby for only spending $13. 


  1. Oh, I LOVE garage sales! It is so fun to see what you can find for so little money!

  2. Are you kidding me?? I never find prices like that!! WOW! I want to shop at your garage sales! AWESOME

  3. I saw that same tool bench last week. I totally wanted it for my 4 year old but they had $30 on it!! You got a great deal! Love all the games and puzzles! Thanks for linking up!!

  4. I passed on that same tool bench, too! We already have one or I would have paid the 50.00 they wanted. Loved it. 5.00 is amazing!! Great find!!


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