Books With Activities

Friday, August 10, 2012

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2012-2013

Homeschool Curriculum Choices

I've spent so much time researching curriculum for this upcoming school year.  There have been countless late nights reading reviews and dissecting every possible sample page on-line.  I spent hours at different booths at my state's homeschooling conference, asking way too many questions.  Decisions, decisions, and more decisions.  Thankfully, the decisions have been made and we are starting back to school next week! 

Izzie will officially be in kindergarten this year!  She did outstanding this past year with K5 and is looking forward to adding a few more subjects to her daily schedule.  During her K5 year, we focused primarily on math, phonics, and reading a lot of books.  Izzie is convinced that she's in first grade, since we did K5 last year and she did participate in all the kindergarten extracurricular activities (AWANA and American Heritage Girls), but I'm convinced that there's no need to rush these early years. So, we will be referring to this year as K-1.  I can make up grades, right? 

It was such an overwhelming feeling sending in her Letter of Intent to our local school system.  It's official...we are a homeschooling family!  Let the adventure begin! 

K-1 Curriculum Choices

Reading and Spelling  


We'll be using these books as supplements and will work at her pace. 

 All About Spelling Level 1 Materials (1 Teacher's Manual and 1 Student Packet)
Language Arts

 Writeshop Primary A

Bible and History 

 We will be incorporating some pieces, but not using their daily schedule.  Additionally, we'll be using their suggested science activities. 


The Story of the World, Vol. 1 (Ancient Times) [Revised Edition] - Paperback


 Phew!  Now, on to Preschool

Reading and Unit Studies 


(Divider Cards not shown)



I found all of the following jewels at our homeschooling conference this summer! 

Set of 4 Preschool Activity Workbooks

Preschool - Set of 6 ABC Series workbooks

It's going to be a busy year!  


Curious to see what other families are using this year?  Hop on over to "Not" Back-To-School Blog Hop to found out!


  1. Wow, you do have a lot planned. I also have a K-1, but I don't think he could handle the load that you have planned. There are definite differences in boys and girls. I look forward to seeing how you implement this year as I really enjoyed watching your schooling from last year. I also have a Pre-K little girl this year(actually sometimes 2 of them). So I will be watching to see how you implement that too. Thanks for sharing with all of us homeschoolers.

  2. You made some great choices. I see some of my favorites on this list! Wishing you the best!

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