Books With Activities

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Messy Class: I Spy Alphabet Bottles!

This year at Coop, I'm teaching a Preschool Messy Class!  Yes, a messy class! 

Our first week, we created I Spy Alphabet Bottles.  

I Spy Alphabet Bottle

 Mac had the best time helping me prepare the rice! 

First, we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

I took in our sand table from home.  After the book, I dumped out all the rice in the sand table. I had numerous scoops/spoons/cups for each child to fill their empty juice bottle.  Unfortunately, the first week was a little chaotic; therefore, I wasn't able to snap any "action" shots!  I had 12 little 3/4 year olds...that's 24 hands dumping rice everywhere

After they filled their bottle, we carefully added alphabet beads, then hot-glued the lid on.  

I Spy Alphabet Bottle

 In addition, I created this simple Alphabet Handout (laminated) for each child to take home along with the I Spy Alphabet Bottle.  

I Spy Alphabet Bottle with Handout

Shake, find and identify a letter, then cover letter on handout. 

Finding and Identifying Letters

Super fun way to learn and recognize the letters of the alphabet!


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