Books With Activities

Friday, September 21, 2012

National Day of Service

Last Saturday was AHG National Day of Service.
One of the attributes of an AHG girl is her dedication to demonstrating faith-filled servant leadership. Hundreds of thousands of “girl” hours of service are given to their communities each year, with even the youngest girls participating. This year, AHG held its first-ever AHG National Day of Service on Sept. 15, a date that coincides with its founding.  AHG girls from across America and abroad fanned out to impact their communities. These girls baked cookies, collected and packed food, assembled school supplies and toys for foster children, reached out to seniors, painted a building or participated in some other important endeavor. 
Izzie's American Heritage Girls' Troop participated in several service activities.


Each AHG girl made Christmas cards for our soldiers.  


The girls were divided into three different groups.  One group baked muffins, another cleaned the church pavilion, while the last group sanitized all the toys in the preschool and nursery area of the church. 



  Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10

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