Books With Activities

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Field-Trip #3a: Produce Auction

Earlier this week, the girls and I had a jam packed day of field-trips!  

We began the day at a local produce auction located in the heart of an Old Order Mennonite community.  The auction provides a central location for area growers to sell and buy goods in season.  Any commercial grower or gardener who grows within a 100-mile radius of the auction is welcome to consign their goods.  

However, +90% of the growers are within a 7-mile radius and they bring their goods in by tractor or horse and buggie!  

 It was another rainy day for a field-trip!  So, we gathered our rain gear and headed out! 

The girls enjoyed wandering around and seeing all the produce...



And, they enjoyed seeing the auction in action!  Izzie kept asking why the man with the microphone was talking so fast and questioned if he was making up words!  The girls had a fun time trying to mimic the auctioneer, while they giggled and giggled!

It was a wet and fun morning at the auction!  

Getting ready to head over to a local farm and pick pumpkins!  

Stay tuned for Field-trip #3b...

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