Books With Activities

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advent Days 3 and 4

 The girls are still having a fantastic time completing the Truth in the Tinsel activity each day!  

Day 3:  Zechariah 

The magic of Rose Cookie is still going strong in our house!  The girls were surprised that Rose Cookie made a mess in their jewelry box!  

But, they were thrilled that Rose Cookie was wearing two new Christmas necklaces, one for each of them! 

Day 4: Gabriel 

Angel template found here

This particular morning, they discovered Rose Cookie playing Parcheesi with her new friends!

Yesterday was a beautiful day...70 degrees in Virginia in December NEVER happens!  We took advantage of the weather and spent the afternoon at the park with friends!  

 Last night, we headed to The American Shakespeare Center: Blackfriars Playhouse to see A Christmas Carol, which was fabulous!  I wasn't sure how the girls would do, but they really enjoyed the play! 

"The American Shakespeare Center, situated in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley, is the world's only re-creation of Shakespeare's original indoor theatre--performs Shakespeare's works under their original staging conditions-- on a simple stage, without elaborate sets, and with the audience sharing the same light as the actors." 

This was our first time attending and it was amazing!  The inside was stunning!  Unfortunately, pictures weren't allowed.  After the show, once everyone had cleared out, I tried to take a picture of the inside, but was quickly greeted by an employee to put down the camera! 

Thankfully, there are several pictures swirling are a few....absolutely gorgeous! 


We were just several rows back from the front; however, there wasn't a bad seat available!

Can't wait to go back and see another play!


  1. It sure looks like you are having a lot of fun! My daughter is enjoying her elf she named Scout. Thanks for the follow, I'm following you as well now. :)

  2. OOHHH how I am having flashbacks of when my girls little, teen & pre-teen now, and had all those "girly" things. Stopped by to say HI. You followed me first, I have been trying to hit every Crew blog and follow. Hope to get to talk to you on the forum!


Thanks for sharing your comments!