Books With Activities

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

AHG: Sock Hop Party!

Izzie had a BLAST on Friday night at her American Heritage Girls' Sock Hop party!

She arrived in her pajamas and slippers...and was super excited to have fun with her friends! 

 There was a variety of games created in the 1950s and 60s scattered around, where groups of friends could play...

After game time, the girls taste tested many different candies that were first introduced in the 1950s and 60s.  Izzie had never tried any of the candy!  Thankfully, she didn't care for any of it, either! 

 On to craft time...

 Izzie's Sock Hop socks! 

 And of course...dessert too!  Izzie really enjoyed the ice-cream float!  

 The girls had a Hola-Hoop contest.

 And played Hot Potato!

 Izzie was thrilled to get down to the last three in the Hot Potato game! 

Musical Chairs too!

Lastly, they had so much fun dancing around to music from the 1950s and 60s!

Super fun evening!

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