Books With Activities

Monday, March 25, 2013

B is for Bicycling!

  Last week, I decided to take the challenge of blogging a different letter of the alphabet each week, hosted by Ben and Me.
Blogging Through the Alphabet

Again, this a perfect opportunity for me to blog about our life from last fall.  I have all these super cool family fun adventures, homeschooling crafts, and day-to-day life activities just sitting in my Pictures Folder, patiently waiting to be shared.  

We love to take the girls down to the Greenway by the river with their bicycles.   It is such a wonderful way to spend a fall afternoon.


In addition, we took some time that weekend to help Izzie complete her American Heritage Girls' Cycling Badge

Be sure to ride over to Ben and Me to see other fun Letter B activities, crafts, fieldtrips, etc!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming by and visiting my blog today. Looking forward to our visits with Blogging Through the Alphabet.


Thanks for sharing your comments!