Books With Activities

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

D is for Dancing!

The girls had a fabulous time over the weekend at a very special Tea Party with Ballet Princesses!

Mac was thrilled to wear a princess dress to the tea party!  Unfortunately, Izzie informed me that she was too old to dress-up.  It was a surprise for them, I simply told them to go and put on their favorite princess dress and we were going somewhere special.  After Izzie's comment, I was a little concern that she wasn't going to enjoy the show; however, she had a blast too! 

Each princess danced to their song and at the end, they invited the little princesses up to learn a special dance!  

Afterward, Mac loved meeting all the "real" princesses! 

Dance over to Ben and Me to see other fun Letter D activities, crafts, fieldtrips, etc!

Blogging Through the Alphabet

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