Books With Activities

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


After college, I spent some time in Kenya.  While there, I did research on elephants and was able to see them in their own habitat throughout Amboseli National Park and Tsavo National Park.  It was a once in a lifetime experience.  They are so big, so graceful, such magnificent creatures!  I would love to share my pictures, however, it was pre-digital.  It's truly hard to believe that it was 12 years ago!  

I never thought I would allow my girls to ride an elephant!  But, we met up with Grandad at a local zoo to celebrate his birthday and one thing led to another...

I must admit, I rode an elephant at this exact zoo 20 years ago! 

Ride on over to Ben and Me to see other fun Letter E activities, crafts, fieldtrips, etc! 

Blogging Through the Alphabet

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