Books With Activities

Sunday, June 9, 2013

TOS Review: Christianity Cove

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Christianity Cove provides online resources, such as lesson ideas, crafts, games, activities and tips for Children's Ministry.  Former Sunday School Director, Mary-Kate Warner, is the the owner and publisher of Christianity Cove.  Her goal is to provide fresh, fun, creative and inexpensive ideas to help students understand the Bible and relate it to their own lives.


We received the following downloads from Christianity Cove: 

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                          $29.95                                                  $29.95

Both of these products are currently on sale for $19.95 for the first 250 individuals who order. 


Izzie, 6 years old, is currently a member of American Heritage Girls; therefore, she is encouraged to participate in community service projects throughout the year.  It's been challenging to find age-appropriate projects for her that require little help from me.  So, I was thrilled when we were offered to review 100 Simple Service Projects!  
100 Simple Service Projects is for children Pre-K through 6th grade.

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The downloadable PDF contains 56 pages consisting of 100 simple children's service projects, as well as tips and advice. 

There are 5 sections, beginning with the easiest service projects and transitioning to the most involved service projects.

1.  Service to the Family 

 Mary-Kate Warner stresses that the most important lesson is that “charity begins at home.”  Therefore, the first section teaches that the child must see him/herself as a vested family member.  She suggests that the easiest way to inspire your children is to implement a "chore coupon program."

Examples of service projects to the family:
  • Walking the dog.
  • Reading a book to younger sibling. 
  • Helping grandparents with house chores.   

The girls have been helping in the garden!  

2.  Service to those in the Neighborhood

 This section requires more parental cooperation than the others, as the parent will need to coordinate with neighbors.  

Suggested service projects: 
  • Moving trash cans on garbage day. 
  • Yard work, such as raking leaves or shoveling snow. 
  • Organizing a neighborhood yard sale.  

Izzie walked around the neighborhood and passed out flyers regarding our neighborhood yard sale. 

3.  Service to the Community

This section if divided into 6 different sections, each containing many ideas and tips for various projects:
  • Serving the Elderly 
  • Services for Children 
  • Services for Animals 
  • Services for the Environment 
  • Services for Wildlife 
  • Service to Community Shelters 

The girls dropped off some much needed supplies to our local Wildlife Center. 

4. Service to Large Charities in America and Overseas

 This sections contains a list of 18 child-friendly charities, with a brief description of each. 

We always participate in Operation Christmas Child.

5.  Service of a child's own design 

The final section contains several examples of how children have started many charities to help inspire your child to possibly create his or her own. 

My thoughts on 100 Simple Service Projects:

I really enjoyed learning about the different ways Izzie and Mac can contribute to our family and community by participating in many of the 100 Simple Service Projects.  The projects suggested are simple, but can have a deep impact on your child, as well as to help develop a life-long love of giving in your child.


Unfortunately, many children are bullied.  This past year, Izzie experienced some bully-behavior by a little girl at our local coop.  Thankfully, I was able to nip it in the bud before it had a chance to dramatically alter Izzie's self-esteem.  However, I was still very interested in reviewing Bullying and the Bible in order to learn what the Bible says about bullying and learning how I could provide my girls with a biblical foundation to combat bullying.

Bullying and the Bible is for children aged 5-16.

The downloadable PDF contains 6 lessons, which contain more than 30 scripture verses, which stand at the center of modern-day anti-bullying practices and are used throughout the lessons.  In addition, there are crafts, games, and discussions that reinforce the lessons.  All lessons are presented in a way to help your child learn how to respond in bullying situations, whether they are the victim, a bystander, or a potential bully.

It is suggested to use one lesson per week.  Each lesson takes approximately 1 hour to complete and is divided into 6 parts.

1.  Lesson Capsule--brief introduction of lesson.

2.  Top of the Lesson Attention Getter--definition of bullying, which will be included in each lesson.

3.  Review of Last Lesson

4.  Lesson--each lesson will teach one of the 6 specific anti-bullying concepts.  The lessons are scripted.

5.  Craft or Discussion--crafts are used to help reinforce the lesson.  Materials are easily found and inexpensive.

6.  Games--most of the games are immediately followed by the lesson in order to reinforce what was learned.

Bullying and the Bible, Lesson 1 Craft--I'm A Nicey!

The girls with their "Shields of Faith and Forgiveness Wands."

My thoughts of Bullying and the Bible:

The lessons within Bullying and the Bible are very well organized and it was extremely beneficial having the lessons scripted.  In addition, I really appreciated how each lesson included scripture verses.  The craft pages where very clear with detailed instructions, included a list of inexpensive materials and required very little preparation.

The only suggestion I have would be to change the second definition of a Meanie.  It currently states, "Meanies only attack those ANNOYING THEM."  I did change this to "Meanies can attack anyone."  I never want my children to feel that they are the reason someone else is being mean to them.  It has nothing to do with their behavior!  It has everything to do with the behavior of the meanie! 


Sail over to read what other Crew Mates had to say about their experience with one of many products from Christianity Cove.


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