Books With Activities

Monday, August 5, 2013

TOS Review: BrainFood Learning

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I'm always thrilled when I find educational videos to incorporate into our homeschooling.  So, I was beyond excited to review The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning.  

 Recommended Ages:  3-11 years old

Price:  $14.99


What's included in The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD?  
  • The 52 minute DVD contains amazing video of ten mammals and fascinating facts about each. 
  • There are three options on the main menu. 

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning
  • The Play All option contains a brief introduction about the Animal Kingdom and more specific information regarding mammals.  It explains the five characteristics of mammals.  Afterward, there are segments for the ten featured mammals.  
  • The ten featured mammals are giraffe, moose, lion, dolphin, elephant, beaver, chimpanzee, bat, kangaroo, and bear. 
  • Each mammal is clearly identified and shown in their natural habitat by use of graphics and video.  
  • Vocabulary words are introduced and clearly defined within each segment. 
  • At the end of each segment, the vocabulary word is reviewed.   
  •  The Mammals option shows a screen of all ten featured mammals.  You may pick and click on the mammal of your choice.  The information is the same for each mammal as in the Play All option. 

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

  • There are five different reviews in the Reviews section.
The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

 For Review #1, Mammal Flash Cards, each featured mammal is reviewed with a graphic and written and oral name.  

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

Review #2, Review the Mammals, shows a graphic of the featured mammal with three multiple choice options.  The mammal names are read aloud.  The viewer is to choose the correct name of the mammal.  The correct answer is given. 

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

The five characteristics of all mammals are reviewed in Review #3, Features of a Mammal
The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

 During Review #4, Review Mammal Facts, there are a total of ten multiple choice review questions.  The questions and answers are read aloud.  The viewer is to choose the correct mammal.  The correct answer with a graphic of the mammal is given.

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

Lastly, Review #5, Review the Big Words, contains a total of eleven multiple choice questions regarding the vocabulary that was introduced throughout the DVD.  The statements/questions are read aloud and the correct answer is given.  

The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning

Curious to see The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD in action?  Check out the video below!


 What I liked:

  • The graphics and videos were stunning!  We really enjoyed watching The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD over and over again! 
  • It was real...the animals were shown in their natural habitats.  
  • We learned a lot of interesting facts about each mammal that we didn't already know. 
  • We learned even more new vocabulary!   I really appreciated that every vocabulary word was clearly explained within the segment and used in proper context. 
  • The use of a map during the segment to show the location where the mammal lives.  This was not done for every featured mammal, but it would be a nice addition to see it for all.
  • The review at the end of each segment was a clever way to review the new vocabulary.   
  • The subtle background music was just enough.  Not too much to take away from the graphics and content.
  • The ability to choose a particular mammal under the Mammals option on the Main Men.  This is such a time saving mechanism!
  • The variety of reviews within the Review section.  
  • For younger viewers, it is very convenient to have all the review questions/statements read aloud by the narrator. 


In conclusion, I would recommend The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD.

In addition, be sure to check out other educational videos from BrainFood Learning! 

Fascinating World of Birds DVD               Fascinating World of Insects


Sail over to read what other Crew Mates had to say about their experience with BrainFood Learning.


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