Books With Activities

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas Morning 2013

Christmas morning is always such a sweet special time for our family!  The girls were thrilled that Santa had finally arrived and were up at normal time, 6:00am.  They rushed downstairs to find their gifts from Santa...

This year they both asked for a sewing machine and sewing supplies.  They received a sewing machine to share and their own sewing basket with supplies and a couple of the American Girl sewing kits.  

Since we have no family in the area and no where to go on Christmas Day, we have made a tradition of spreading out our Christmas Day activities. The girls were overjoyed with the sewing machine and thoroughly investigated inside their sewing baskets, where they found the cutest little pin cushions!  Izzie received a purple dog to go along with her dog themed sewing basket and Mac found a cute little pink mouse pin cushion to go along with her cat sewing basket.  Afterward, they helped make breakfast...homemade pancakes!  

After breakfast, we read the Christmas story from our Bible and reflected on what Christmas Day really represents.  

Then, it was off to open up stockings...

After stockings, the girls played a little while with their stocking goodies, organized their sewing baskets and started sewing one of their stuffed animals from the American Girl sewing kits.  These kits are wonderful for beginning sewers!  

By mid-morning, it was time to open up the gifts from the girls.  Izzie went shopping at the AWANA store for her gifts.  She got Mac some gold fingernail polish, which she loved!

I got a fabulous Christmas tin. 

She had planned on giving Daddy some brown girl flip-flops, but our puppy ended up chewing one of them, while we were wrapping gifts.  So, I took the girls to the Dollar Tree to get Daddy a gift and to allow Mac to get Izzie something too.  Daddy got a whole sticker book full of Jake and the Neverland Pirates!  

Izzie received a hot chocolate mug from Mac! 

The girls were so excited to give each other gifts, it was the sweetest!

They decided to open up their gift from Rose Cookie, our elf on the shelf.  Last year, she left them new bibles.  This year, they received American Girls crafts from her! 

Before lunch, they opened up their homemade gifts.  Every year, I always make the girls something, but this year, I purchased them homemade gifts.  Their favorite book last semester was Little House In The Big Woods.  I found these adorable bonnets at a Heritage Market and knew the girls would love them!  My little Mary and Laura...

We also read Pinocchio last semester, so when I saw these cute wooden marionettes, I just couldn't resist. They were a huge hit with the girls!

We had a nice relaxing lunch and afterward, the girls opened up another gift.  I love the way we drag out opening gifts!  

Mac had been wanting a big girl doll, aka, an American Girl Doll.  She was beyond excited to receive Marie Grace! 

 Mac spent the afternoon making several purses for Marie Grace from the American Girl craft kits.

  Izzie was thrilled with her Lego Friends!  These were her first kits and she loved them!  She spent the afternoon building all my herself!  

 Before dinner, it was on to another gift.  Mac loves taking pictures with my phone or regular camera.  However, I'm always concern she's going to break my stuff!  So, when I saw the Playskool camera and the reviews, I knew it would be the perfect fit for her.  


Do you see that face?  She was so surprised to have her own camera! She took pictures rest of the evening!  I love that she can completely control the camera and all the gadgets are very entertaining!

Izzie is very "into" making jewelry.  She absolutely adores her rainbow loom, so we decided to get her a few more jewelry making kits.   

After dinner, it was time to open their last Christmas present.  

Mac loves to sing and make music.  After reading a ton of glowing reviews about the Kidijamz, I was sold!  It is the coolest music toy, ever!  I give it 10 stars too!  It is the toy that has had the most "playtime" since Christmas.  Everyone in the family has been playing with it!   

Izzie received a box full of goodies...clothes, hats, and belts.  She was thrilled.  Did I mention she already loves clothes? 

We had a great Christmas at home.  We stayed in our pajamas all day, took all day to open gifts, and had way too much coffee.  It was the perfect day for our family!

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