Thursday, November 12, 2009

stART: Fall Leaves Fall

For our stART project this week, we read Fall Leaves Fall.

I found this really neat game at My Montessori Journey. Izzie had a lot of fun playing.

Object of game: roll die to determine what corresponding leaves to put on tree and first you must roll a 6 to get your tree! In addition, after all the leaves were on the tree, Izzie rolled the die to see which leaves were "falling off the tree". Very fun!

Izzie created tissue paper leaves for the back door. They add a nice touch of autumn!

I had planned on taking Izzie and Mac on a nature look at (jump in) leaves, but the raining weather made it impossible.

For more weekly stART projects, click here!


  1. Great fall activities!!!! I really like that leaf game- where did you get the dice? (or did you make them?)

  2. Love the tissue paper leaves! They are very pretty.

  3. Thanks for sharing about the leaf game - it looks like something the little ones here, would really enjoy!

  4. Great idea! The game sounds fun and love the tissue paper leaves!

  5. Oh everything looks like it was so much fun and your back door looks amazing. Thank you for linking up :0)

  6. I love My Montessori Journey. She has fabulous ideas. Your tissue paper leaves turned out great. I love fall decorations!

  7. That does look like a fun dice game! Thanks for sharing.

  8. We love this book too - it's great. Your paper tissue leaves look very pretty, and the game is neat too. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I like the game! Thanks for sharing.


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