Day 1: Light and Dark
The yellow side is a baby cotton material and the black is satin.
The yellow side is a baby cotton material and the black is satin.
Day 2: Clouds and Water
I found this great blue fleece with white clouds! For water, I used a real shinny blue material with white sparkles, which are hard to see in the picture due to the flash.
I found this great blue fleece with white clouds! For water, I used a real shinny blue material with white sparkles, which are hard to see in the picture due to the flash.
The green plant side is a fuzzy and the brown side is a harsh and scratchy.
Day 4: Sun, Moon and Stars
Day 4: Sun, Moon and Stars
The sun side is a thick fleece and the stars and moon side is baby cotton...I really didn't like that Curious George was on the fabric, but it was the only fabric I could find that had both moons and stars.
Day 5: Fish and Birds
For fish, I used a very shiny metallic blue and for feathers, a white feathery material.
This is Izzie's favorite bean's probably the best textured bean bag!
Day 6: Man and Animals
I used a multicolor brown fabric to represent man and a cute animal print for the other side.
Day 7: God Rested
On one side, there's white felt to represent a pillow and on the other side is planet Earth, for God rested and observed what he had created.
For fish, I used a very shiny metallic blue and for feathers, a white feathery material.
This is Izzie's favorite bean's probably the best textured bean bag!
I used a multicolor brown fabric to represent man and a cute animal print for the other side.
Day 7: God Rested
On one side, there's white felt to represent a pillow and on the other side is planet Earth, for God rested and observed what he had created.