Books With Activities

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creation Bean Bags

I've been planning activities for Advent and decided to make more textured bean bags for the girls. They still really enjoy the number textured bean bags! I saw a tutorial about Creation bean bags and knew I had to make them for Izzie and Mac. The only store I went to on Black Friday was JoAnn Fabrics...they had fabric on sale for $1.29 a yard....and, yes....I bought a lot! I tried to get a variety of textures....

Day 1: Light and Dark
The yellow side is a baby cotton material and the black is satin.

Day 2: Clouds and Water
I found this great blue fleece with white clouds! For water, I used a real shinny blue material with white sparkles, which are hard to see in the picture due to the flash.

Day 3: Plants and Trees
The green plant side is a fuzzy and the brown side is a harsh and scratchy.

Day 4: Sun, Moon and Stars
The sun side is a thick fleece and the stars and moon side is baby cotton...I really didn't like that Curious George was on the fabric, but it was the only fabric I could find that had both moons and stars.

Day 5: Fish and Birds
For fish, I used a very shiny metallic blue and for feathers, a white feathery material.
This is Izzie's favorite bean's probably the best textured bean bag!

Day 6: Man and Animals
I used a multicolor brown fabric to represent man and a cute animal print for the other side.

Day 7: God Rested
On one side, there's white felt to represent a pillow and on the other side is planet Earth, for God rested and observed what he had created.

The girls are having so much fun with the bean bags, and they were really quick and simple to make!

(I tried to use a different format to help reduce the length of the post....apparently, I've done something incorrect! Please, excuse me...the text is not lined up with the appropriate pictures.)


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