Books With Activities

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Morning 2011

After a restless night, the girls were bursting to get downstairs!

The "Diner" was a huge hit and they wasted no time getting into their outfits to start playing!!

After breakfast and reading the Christmas Story from our new family bible, they were allowed to open their other gifts!

As you can tell, they were super happy and excited!

Izzie received a set of Disney Princesses, which she was over the moon about! She has been flirting with these dolls at Target for months! As a frugal shopper, I've been watching the price of this set for months...I was pleased to snatch it up for $29.

Mac was equally thrilled with her dolly family and car! She was super excited to introduce them to their "new home"!

They spent all morning playing with the "Diner" and their new dolls!

After lunch, they opened their third gift...neither really knew what they had received, as we normally don't purchase toys with "batteries" (other than Leapfrog Tag and Tag Jr.) and they had never seen these before. However, we felt that these were "quality" educational toys and decided to go with it!

Izzie caught on very quickly and really enjoyed playing the Leap Pad (thanks Grandma for the game). Mac is still a little too young to fully understand the concept of her Leapster Explorer; however, she enjoyed helping Daddy play her new game (thanks Grandad). I really appreciate that the games are interchangeable! I love being able to buy only one game, but it can be used on both systems! Brilliant!

Before dinner, the girls opened their stockings!

Several new tights, socks, and hair-bows!

I LOVE that we spent the entire day at home in our pajamas! We took our time opening gifts throughout the day and thoroughly enjoyed watching the girls play and play.

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