Saturday, November 17, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

 Operation Christmas Child

I am so thankful for everyone who participates in Operation Christmas Child!   Last year, more than 8 million shoe boxes were collected and distributed worldwide to share the love of Jesus Christ and the joy of Christmas. National Collection Week is November 12 – 19.   So, if you have the resources, go pack a shoe box or two this weekend.

   We had a really nice discussion before heading out to shop about all the children in the world who have very little, receive nothing for Christmas, and who have never heard of Jesus.  They're still a little young to fully understand the concept, but I do believe that by participating in Operation Christmas Child, they are becoming aware of the needs of others and can understand that they are truly blessed and can make a difference in the world. 

 This year, we decided to use plastic containers, so the families could reuse them.

I saw somewhere on another blog about "wrapping" the goodies inside with something reusable, so we decided to use washcloths.  

A peek inside Izzie's container...

Panties and Socks

Books and Photo Album


 Izzie's completed container!

 A peek inside Mac's container...

Panties and Socks



Jewelry and Hair Accessories

Books and Photo Album

 Mac's completed container!

We placed another washcloth on top to cover all the goodies inside. 

Praying that these simple containers can make a HUGE difference in the lives of the two little girls receiving them and the ones who packed them! 

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