Books With Activities

Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Reading: Week 2


 Our library always does an amazing job at encouraging children to read!  Izzie really enjoyed Week 1 activities and was excited to go back for Week 2! 
The theme was "Digging Up Dinosaurs". 

She completed this cute macaroni dinosaur and was thrilled to bring home a dinosaur egg! 

 The girls received credit for reading a handful of books around the house.  However, the find of the week were these adorable Epossumondas' books written by Coleen Salley.  The books were silly and the girls begged to read them over and over again!  We actually found one audio book, which was a hoot to listen too.  The Louisianian accent made the book come alive and boy there were so many giggles from my girls! 

In addition, we found a new series called A to Z Mysteries.  

 Our library has these on audio, so we checked out the first few and have been listening to them in the car.  They're great entertainment for our summer day trips! 

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