Books With Activities

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Early Christmas Celebration...

The Saturday before Christmas, we traveled down south to celebrate Christmas at my brother's house with my dad and his side of the family.

The girls were super excited to see Grandad and Uncle Michael, along with their Great Aunts and cousin!

The girls loved passing out gifts to others and of course, they loved receiving their gifts!

Izzie and Mac received these adorable puppies from Grandad!

In addition, Izzie received the Lost Puppies game and Mac received the Pet Cube puzzle.

Izzie was thrilled with her Barbie teacher set from Great Aunt Pat and cousin Chris.

And, Mac was just as thrilled with her new Dollie set!

They both received an adorable puppy purse with a Chick-fil-A gift card from Great Aunt Nora!

Izzie loving all her new doggy loot!

Uncle Michael gave them gift cards and made their evening by roasting marshmallows for Smores!

What a great day of celebrating Christmas with family!

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