Books With Activities

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Advent Days 11-19

I'm so glad that we participated in Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands! The girls loved reading the daily scripture and completing the crafts.

Advent Days 1-10

Day 11: Jesus' Name

Day 12: Census

Izzie decided on pink rice and Mac went for purple rice. These cute little tins with lids are from Michaels, only $1.

Instead of using candy for the I Spy Can, we opted for the cute little Mary and Joseph clipart. I laminated the entire sheet, but only used one of each (Mary and Joesph) in each I Spy Can.

Looking for Mary and Joesph...

Day 13: Bethlehem

Day 14: Stable

This adorable stable activity came from Making Learning Fun. We actually completed this in my kindergarten coop class too! The girls loved the glow in the dark star at the top.

Day 15: Manger
Template from Making Learning Fun.

Day 16: Cloths

Day 17: Sheep

Day 18: Angles (Not sure why I didn't get any pictures...oops!)

Day 19: Shepherds

Days 20--24: Unfortunately, with our busy, chaotic schedule, we ended up "dropping out". However, the girls really enjoyed the days that we did complete!

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