Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tot School: Mac's First Offical Week!

Tot School

Izzie is currently 40 months old and Mac is 12 months old.

Yay! Mac just turned one, so we are officially beginning "Tot School" with her too!

I made her texture bags for her birthday (post coming soon) and she has had the best time with them!

I gave her a handful of cotton balls and a snowman muffin tin ($2.50 at Target)...she explored...then, quickly began to put the cotton balls in the muffin tin...

Then, became very interested in pulling apart the cotton balls...

And, finally, decided to taste the cotton balls!

When given the opportunity to the bathroom, she heads straight to the toilet paper and loves to measure how much she needs to cover herself...this does count for early math skills, right?

When left alone for a split second with a semi-open wipes container, she uses her fine motor skills to quickly remove as many wipes as possible from the container, before I come back into the room.

Her current favorite book is, Little Feet Like, which has a different texture on each page. She really enjoys using her feet to feel the different textures!

Izzie's theme this week was "Snowman". She completed several shelf activities, click here to see!

In addition, for her stART project, she created an adorable snowman!

And, had a great time playing in the 12+ inches of snow that we received on Saturday! This afternoon, she helped Daddy shovel the driveway.

To see more Tot School activities, visit 1+1+1=1.


  1. How fun that Mac is now doing tot school!!! Those pics are great! :)

  2. I am looking forward to the texture bag post!

  3. Those pictures of Mac are hilarious! My littlest is a huge fan of toilet paper "math" too!

  4. I love that you saw the learning in what I would normally see as a frustration. I have wanted to make some texture bags for awhile, I am looking forward to the tutorial!

  5. Love your ideas for Mac. Bubba turned one in December and I'm always on the look out for things for him to do.

  6. Oh My goodness! those pics of your little one are priceless! I love the look after tasting the cotton balls


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