Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Izzie is 35 months old.

Scene: In the kitchen, looking at her artwork on the refrigerator.

Izzie: Mommy, I have so many pretty pictures.

Me: Yes, you do!

Izzie: I want to give one away.

Me: That would be wonderful. Who do you want to give one to?

Izzie: Ummm...I think, the trash can!

To share or read, please visit Tiny Talk Tuesday hosted by Not Before 7.


  1. Hilarious, she has the right idea about reducing clutter! I have to sneak some things to the trash around here : )

  2. I love it!

    My parents were always encouraging us to "file" our extra paperwork in the trash can. Izzie has an even more provocative idea.

  3. THAT is awesome! I wish she'd teach my second daughter the art of that kind of giveaway :)

    Welcome to TTT!


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