Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ice Skating

We are finally getting back to Story Time at the library. Izzie loves going to the library...she likes singing the songs, listening to the stories, making a craft, and playing with the other children. Before, Mac arrived, I took Izzie to the library 2-3 times a week, but this past year, we were lucky to get there once a month. I really want to make a better effort of getting the girls there, so my goal this year is to take the girls to the library at least once a week. Well, this week, we actually made it there twice!

For one story time craft, Izzie was able to make ice-skates and had the best time "skating" around the library. It was adorable to see a group of children skating around on decorated paper plates! Izzie had a lot of fun ice-skating at home too!

If you haven't checked out your local library's children programs, I would highly recommend you to do so! There are so many fun activities at the library!


  1. We just went to story time at our library on Thursday. :-) I love the ice skates!

  2. We go to story time every Fri and love it. Have you guys ever tried to "ice skate" on wax paper. Super fun and super slippery.


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