Thanks to the
Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD,
Izzie knows the sound of each letter! I highly recommend this DVD to all parents!
Izzie received the DVD for her 3rd birthday back in September and quickly learned all the sounds and was able to recite the entire alphabet within a week.
She has begun trying to sound out words, while we are reading and will often tell me what letter a word begins with...example, If I say, "
Izzie, please put away your toys." She'll respond, " T." So, to follow her lead, I found this neat

Inside each heart, there is a picture that may or may not start with the letter "H" sound. As
Izzie colored the pictures, we discussed what they were and what sounds each began with. Then, I simply made a huge heart with a pocket (light pink at the bottom), so
Izzie could place the hearts that begin with the letter "H" sound inside the pocket. This is also a fun way to practice her speech therapy!

Did you notice that she's wearing her heart pajamas? She insisted on wearing them for this activity!